[Moai] Secret listing page
ledongthuc opened this issue · 0 comments
ledongthuc commented
Breaking from #1, this ticket focuses on the secret listing page to convert VueJS to Next using Moai.
1. Summary
- Secret listing page is the first page when access AWS Secrets Manager UI
- The page will show secrets from the selected region.
- The page supports a simple searching box to filter result
2. Features
2.1. Mockup UI
2.2. Region selector
- Region selector show list of AWS region we support to show secrets in.
- The content data is loaded from the following API the first time when the page is loaded.
Connection type | HTTP request |
Method | GET |
Route | /api/aws/regions |
- When the user navigates between screens (list -> detail -> list), don't need to send the request to re-get the regions.
2.3. Secrets listing
- The table secrets will show all secrets in the selected region (2.2)
- If the region is not selected, show a message to the user about the selected region.
- The secrets are loaded from the following API every time the region is changed
Connection type | HTTP request |
Method | GET |
Route | /api/secrets |
Query parameters | ?region=eu-north-1 ( get from region API ) |
- Columns:
Column | Example |
Name | test_string |
Accessed at | 2021-06-28T00:00:00Z |
Created at | 2021-06-28T00:00:00Z |
Updated at | 2021-06-28T00:00:00Z |
Rotated | ✓ |
Rotated at | 2021-06-28T00:00:00Z |
Deleted at | 2021-06-28T00:00:00Z |
- When the user clicks on the column name, it sort asc/desc by this column. It will be good if we can show which column is sorted and which direction.
- When the user clicks on secrets, go to the Detail page. The list will send a field ARN from the secret, to the detail page. ARN shouldn't attach on the query string to avoid tracing/log.
2.4. Input filter
- Only support client filter
- If the input filter is empty, show all secrets
- Filter on "Name", if any secrets contain input filter content
- Cached the last filter on local storage and reload it when they access this page again.