
Can't uninstall ntvdmx64 and reinstall

jefinsd opened this issue · 5 comments

Ntvdmx64 was removed from the program list using windows uninstall. but there are remants still there somewhere. When I try to reinstall, it get error. " it seems you have ntvdmx64 already on your system". What file I have to manually delete so that I may reinstall ntvdmx64?

also I thought you made additional updates past aug 2022, but that seems to be the latest

I still wonder what caused the uninstallation to fail in a way that it was unable to remove ntvdm.exe and a bunch of files, I never had such a constellation in my test runs.
As said, normally it doesn't hurt if you have the files except ntvdm.exe in your Windows-directory sticking around as a new installation will overwrite or keep them anyway, so removing ntvdm.exe should be enough for reinstallation.
The crucial part is the loader ldntvdm.dll, it is the only component that can interfere with your system on a failed uninstallation and if it doesn't load properly, it's also the component that is crucial to be able to start up the NTVDM on 16 bit applications.
It's also cannot hurt to remove the following registry paths, if they exist, in order to force the loader to update the symbols:

Don't worry about compiling, most stuff should work automatically, if you have all necessary files in your build directory, the autobuild-script should take care of most stuff.

Of course, 32bit Windows with native NTVDM is preferred over NTVDMx64, if it's possible for the user, as you have real V86 mode performance.

If you are able to find out why your uninstall failed are have a scenario on how to reproduce it, I would be interested in the cause, because I never heard of such a case yet where files stayed on the system.

Yeah, Antivirus Software is a real pest. No idea why so many ppl are using snakeoil, it just slows down the system to a crawl and often is worthless against new threats, thus vendors implemented plain stupid heuristics to detect new threats which in turn is affecting legitimate targets like NTVDMx64. I guess there is no solution to this dilemma.

Hm, regarding Word 2.0 for Windows, I wonder if you really opened it with NTVDMx64, because HAXM build currently doesn't support WOW16, only CCPU build does and you were using HAXM build for performance Reasons because of DBASE.
So maybe you had installed WineVDM for running Win16 applications? This constellation should work.

Regarding quiclkedit, maybe you are affected by this patch?
But it has been made already in 2020, did you use such an old version?
Quickedit default normally can be specified in .pif file for given application.