
Line 134 generates error due to quotation marks

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Line 134 generates the following error due to the type of quotation marks being incorrect. The quotes currently used appear only for this line, and have ASCII Hex value of 94, and should be 22.

Getting assigned Online Voice Routing Policy for r____@xxxxxxx.onmicrosoft.com...
Online Voice Routing Policy assigned to r____@xxxxxxx.onmicrosoft.com is: 'Callroute-E164'
�PSTNUsage� : The term '�PSTNUsage�' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or
operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try
At C:\users\ron_c\Documents\scripts\Test-CSOnlineUserVoiceRouting-master\Test-CSOnlineUserVoiceRouting.ps1:134 char:141

  • ... ins $PSTNUsage } | Select-Object *, @{label = â€�PSTNUsageâ€�; Expres ...
  •                                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (â€�PSTNUsageâ€�:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException