
Blocks ability to use child refs?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

This library looks very useful, and I hope to get it working!

I have a component where there's a ref in a child of re-flex:

const Component: React.FC = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!graphRef.current) {
      console.log('no graphref!', graphRef);
    // graphRef...
  }, [graphRef.current]);

  return (
    <ReflexContainer orientation="vertical">
        <canvas ref={graphRef}></canvas>
      <ReflexSplitter />

When the useEffect hook is called, there is no graphRef, even when adding the ref as a dependency to useEffect.

I'm not sure why this is the case, as my understanding is cloneElement, used in the source should preserve child refs.

I've created a codesandbox showing this: https://codesandbox.io/s/bold-breeze-3tgkh?file=/src/index.js

Interestingly, if you simply console.log(myRef) in the codesandbox, it shows the htmlelement, so shortly after the render happens something populates the ref. Does re-flex do something async? Either way this library seems to interfere with the expected order of operations in React rendering.

Could you check that article please.

I've seen 2 previous issues that seem pretty close to what you are experiencing: #119 & #138.

Hope that helps.

Ah yes sounds like my issue as well. What's confusing to me is this all seems like it's synchronous behavior - My component renders, which renders your component, it does cloneElement but it's still synchronous, returns all of those react elements in one go - and then the effect hooks are called, so the ref should be set? The article makes sense for when a ref changes / gets moved, in this case it seems like after the elements are returned, the ref should be correct?

I'm not experienced enough with hooks to tell you why, but applying the approach from the article solves the problem so I was good with that.