
Sometimes resize mode persists when mouse button is released

jandrew44 opened this issue · 0 comments

The issue can be reproduced on the demo page:

OS: Windows 10 Home edition.
I was able to reproduce it with Google Chrome 127.0.6533.100 and Miscrosoft Edge 127.0.2651.98.
However I was unable to reproduce it on Firefox 129.0.


  1. Go to example 2 - "Basic Re-Flex example with splitter"
  2. Click and hold on splitter and resize the left panel to its maximum size, then release the left mouse button
  3. Click and hold on splitter and try to resize it even more(despite it has maximum size already)
    Note cursor changed its appearance to "not-allowed":
  4. Release the left mouse button
    Note cursor changed its appearance back to "col-resize" and resize mode persists.
    You need to make an additional mouse button click in order to leave the resize mode.