
Android build crash

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Android build crash
I have installed this lib in iOS it's working fine but in Android getting build crash before run app successfully

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run command 'yarn add react-native-zendesk-messaging'
  2. Follow the steps to setup SDK natively for android from here
  1. compile the code and get error during build process
  2. See error detail bellow in the attached screenshot

Expected behavior
App should compile successfully as it's happening for iOS.

Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 7 05 37 PM


  • Platform: [Android]
  • React Native Version 0.68.6
  • Zendesk SDK Version "react-native-zendesk-messaging": "^0.1.1",

Hi @leegeunhyeok please help me out. Thanks!

@uasghar-smile What's your compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion in your app/build.gradle?

By default, react-native-zendesk-messaging is using Zendesk SDK 2.8.0.
You should bump version up build sdk versions on gradle or downgrade Zendesk SDK.


@leegeunhyeok my compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion versions is 33. I am not using the latest version of this lib which is 0.2.1 and my react-native version is 0.68.6.