
doesn't work in ubuntu 16.04

Opened this issue · 2 comments

For example, create a text file named bla that contains 'blablabla' in ~/.texpander/

When I run texpander with debugging on

sh -x texpander.sh

I get

+ base_dir=/home/stefan/.texpander/
+ zenity --entry --title=Texpander --text=Abbreviation
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
+ name=bla
+ path=/home/stefan/.texpander/bla
+ path+=.txt
texpander.sh: 7: texpander.sh: path+=.txt: not found
+ [[ bla ]]
texpander.sh: 9: texpander.sh: [[: not found

For debugging purposes I simplified things a bit:

  1. I omitted the 'txt' from the file so it is just named bla
  2. I stripped down texpander for testing that is:
name=$(zenity --entry --title="Texpander" --text="Abbreviation")

  if [ -e "$path" ]
    xclip -selection clipboard -i "$path"
    xdotool key shift+ctrl+v
    zenity --error --text="Abbreviation not found:\n$name"

The output in terminal is:

stefan@16:~/bin$ sh -x texpander.sh
+ base_dir=/home/stefan/.texpander/
+ zenity --entry --title=Texpander --text=Abbreviation
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
+ name=bla
+ path=/home/stefan/.texpander/bla
+ [ -e /home/stefan/.texpander/bla ]
+ xclip -selection clipboard -i /home/stefan/.texpander/bla
+ xdotool key shift+ctrl+v
stefan@16:~/bin$ blablablablablabla

So the idea works in terminal. Change the 'shift+ctrl+v' to 'ctrl+v' like so


name=$(zenity --entry --title="Texpander" --text="Abbreviation")

  if [ -e "$path" ]
    xclip -selection clipboard -i "$path"
    xdotool key ctrl+v
    zenity --error --text="Abbreviation not found:\n$name"

and run texpander in gedit using a hot key.
Nothing happens. And the clipboard is empty.

So, the first problem is the string concatenation not working.
The second problem of it not working in gedit--I have no idea.

Looks like the first part solved in the comments section of the blog post; http://leehblue.com/ubuntu-text-expander/

I just made some updates that improve the reliability of determining the name of the window and process name. Trying to figure out the ctrl+v vs ctrl+shift+v thing can be problematic sometimes. Please try out the latest version (1.2.1) and let me know if you have any trouble.