
Adds useful Git information to the Symfony2 Debug Toolbar

Primary LanguagePHP

LeekGitDebugBundle Maintenance

Adds useful Git information to the Symfony2 debug toolbar.

Current branch in toolbar (Symfony 2.1)

Example Toolbar

Branch list in menu

Example Menu #1

Tag list in menu

Example Menu #2

Installation (Symfony 2.0.x only)

1. Add the following to your deps file:
2. Run the vendors install script:
php bin/vendors install
3. Add the Leek namespace to app/autoload.php:
// ...
        // ...
        'Leek'                         => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
4. Setup the bundle to load only on your dev or test environment(s) in app/appKernel.php:
// ...
    if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
        // ...
        $bundles[] = new Leek\GitDebugBundle\LeekGitDebugBundle();

That's it! You should now see your current Git branch on the debug toolbar.

Note: A composer.json file is also provided if you prefer to use Composer. The require key is: leek/git-debug-bundle