
How about mod rewrite?

Opened this issue · 7 comments

In case I have a file called app/index.html to start the app,
given that I am using html5mode in angularjs,
how can I access the site directly using localhost:8000 instead of localhost:8000/app/index.html?

Please help and thanks!

I also consider the mod rewirte is useful.

I guess you may need this .

where in route.js

   module.exports = {
       "GET /**": "app/index.html"


puer -a ./route.js

Maybe today , I will update the puer to implement the simple static mod rewrite

It shows this when I use "GET /**": "app/index.html"

.get() requires callback functions but got a [object String]

@yhjor1212 because, it hasn't been implemented yet . :)

I push the commit to github right now , but haven't release it to npm. you can npm install it through github temporarily

npm install leeluolee/puer -g

the code

module.exports = {
       "GET /**": "app/index.html"

will make the all path begin with '/' point to the app/index.html file. which can make your angularjs app works on html5mode .

The error message indeed disappeared, but the reload still doesn't work:

access http://localhost:5000/pending1
get: Cannot GET /pending1

maybe you should show your configuration , so I can track the issue easily . @yhjor1212

  • Start server
    puer -p 5000 -a scripts/route.js

  • Application root

  • Angular js route settings
    angular.module('myApp.routes', ['ui.router'])
    .config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', '$locationProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {

    .state('home', {
    url: "/home",
    templateUrl: "app/partials/home.html",
    controller: 'HomeCtrl'


  • scripts/route.js
    module.exports = {
    "GET /**": "app/index.html"