
Not working with PHP 8.1.7 and FreeBSD 13.1

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am unable to get phpLDAPadmin to work with PHP 8.1.7 and Apache 2.4.54 installed on a FreeBSD 13.1 64-bit machine. The following error message is emitted immediately upon startup:

error Error
Unrecognized error number: 8192: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
error Memory Limit low.
Your php memory limit is low - currently 128M, you should increase it to at least 24. This is normally controlled in /etc/php.ini.
PHP Debug Backtrace
File /usr/local/www/phpldapadmin/lib/functions.php (190)
Function error (a:5:{i:0;s:108:"Unrecognized error number: 8192: t...)
File /usr/local/www/phpldapadmin/lib/functions.php ()
Function app_error_handler (a:4:{i:0;i:8192;i:1;s:75:"trim(): Passing null to ...)
File /usr/local/www/phpldapadmin/htdocs/cmd.php (44)
Function trim (a:1:{i:0;N;})
File /usr/local/www/phpldapadmin/htdocs/index.php (153)
Function include (a:1:{i:0;s:42:"/usr/local/www/phpldapadmin/htdocs/...)

I am not even allowed to log into the program.

I have phpldapadmin installed

I have the same problem...

Same problem with Ubuntu 22.04 with php 8.1.2

PHP 8.x tracked on #150

Thank you for https://github.com/leenooks/phpLDAPadmin/releases/tag/ release!
Alpinelinux package updated and running great!