MediatR Libraries

We love Mediatr!

However, when adding Mediatr to the container (i.e. IServiceCollection), a complete list of assemblies to scan must be provided. This might not be known, especially when consuming a library which is consuming other libraries.

The convention in .net is for a library to provide an extension method for setting up its container registrations. These abstract the library's dependencies, and it can, in turn, call the extension methods of its dependencies.

This package provides a mechanism for following this convention when using Mediatr.

Library Mediatr Registrations

Within a library, MediatR registrations are added using .AddMeditatRLibrary(...).

// Add an assembly to be scanned by MediatR

// Add an assembly using a marker type

// Add multiple assemlies
serviceCollection.AddMeditatRLibrary(typeof(MyRequestHandler), typeof(AnotherRequestHandler));

Main Program Mediatr Registration

Within the main program, replace the call to .AddMediator() with .AddMediatRIncludingLibraries(...)

// Register MediatR

// Assemblies and Marker Types can still be added at this point