Color change
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See below for these things. I just copied and pasted the example for MM's from the package README.
I was curious if you could change the colors to gray scale, for example, instead of rainbow colors for journal publication? Couldn't figure out how to do this. Thanks!
Example here:
## load package
# taken from README
f1 <- ChosenImmigrant ~ Gender + Education + LanguageSkills + CountryOfOrigin + Job + JobExperience + JobPlans + ReasonForApplication +
plot(mm(immigration, f1, id = ~CaseID), vline = 0.5) # change colors here?
## session info for your system
### R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
### Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
### Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.3
Hi, I'm pretty sure scale_colour_grey this does the trick. If you're using RStudio and it looks weird in the plots viewer, click the zoom button and look at it that way to check.
# specify formula
f1 <- ChosenImmigrant ~ Gender + Education + LanguageSkills + CountryOfOrigin + Job + JobExperience + JobPlans + ReasonForApplication +
# create plot object
p <- plot(mm(immigration, f1, id = ~CaseID), vline = 0.5)
# adjust visuals
p +
scale_colour_grey() +
theme(legend.position = "right")
The last two lines aren't necessary, but I think it looks better with them. That is, p + scale_colour_grey()
should be fine on its own. Equally you can do it without saving the plot object of course:
# specify formula
f1 <- ChosenImmigrant ~ Gender + Education + LanguageSkills + CountryOfOrigin + Job + JobExperience + JobPlans + ReasonForApplication +
# calculate mms
mm_immigration <- mm(immigration, f1, id = ~CaseID)
# create plot object
plot(mm_immigration, vline = 0.5) +
Exactly. It’s a ggplot2 object so you can just + whatever further modifications you want to it. You may need to use an aes() if you want to change shape, fill, etc. rather than colour.
Brilliant - many thanks for the help here! And many thanks @leeper for the great package; super useful and simple to use.