
plm: within model

Opened this issue · 5 comments

pred1 <- prediction(wi)
# Error in crossprod(beta, t(X)) : non-conformable arguments

This is probably due to the within model having no intercept.

Please also note that predict() on plm models gives you the fitted values of the (quasi-)demeaned model. My guess is, you want the fitted values of the "overall" model (likewise, residuals() gives you the residuals of the (quasi-)demeaned model). There is an experimental, non-exported function plm:::fitted_exp.plm() for that in the development version of plm.

To handle the default case (use data from model estimation), you could introduce a find_data.plm method that returns NULL as this circumvents the else-branch in predict.plm which seems to be buggy for within models.

jayur commented


I'm having the same problem with the prediction on the plm within model. Please let me know if this is a bug in the package or if you have any suggestions for me.

Appreciate your help!


There is now support for predict for plm's within models in the development version available here: https://github.com/ycroissant/plm

As the within case is special, one likely wants to input a pdata.frame and not a plain data frame; the help page ?predict.plm has the details.

For models produced by plm::plm(), there is a predict method available since plm version 2.6-2.