Matching label and line colours and consistent decimals
TonyLadson opened this issue · 3 comments
TonyLadson commented
Thanks for all your work on this so far.
A couple of things.
- Could the label colours match the line colours?
- The number of decimal places is not consistent between columns.
The code I'm using is below and the resulting slopegraph is at this link. This shows the issues.
capex <- matrix(c(
700348, 550203, 504668, 262529, 351732, # Perth
1355928, 942090, 735799, 609752, 686136, # Melbourne
805693, 792228, 713762, 629305, 641685, # Sydney
504764, 989579, 653563, 517648, 487636, # South East Queensland
256668, 230838, 143365, 59393, 48937, # Canberra
595851, 530075, 331038, 187945, 152124, # Adelaide
51978, 58080, 64789, 25600, NA), # Darwin
nrow = 7, byrow = TRUE)
capex <- capex/1000
capex <- data.frame(capex)
cities <- c('Perth', 'Melbourne', 'Sydney','SE Queensland', 'Canberra', 'Adelaide', 'Darwin')
row.names(capex) <- cities
names(capex) <- c('X2010-11', 'X2011-12', 'X2012-13', 'X2013-14', 'X2014-15')
my_col = brewer.pal(9, name = 'Paired')
par(oma = c(1,4,1,1))
labels = c('2010-11', '2011-12', '2012-13', '2013-14', '2014-15'),
decimals = 0,
col.lines = my_col,
col.lab = my_col,
family = 'sans')
leeper commented
Thanks. I'll take a look.
leeper commented
TonyLadson commented
Thank you