
Some problems with the switch menu

Closed this issue · 3 comments



The "Select a Switch To Change:" and "Close" in the switch menu do not have translations applied, and the fonts do not display properly in other languages.
The switch menu doesn't change as I scaling of the game window.

When I exit the switch menu via the switch menu key instead of the close button, the interface mode did not recover.
Waiting for the cursor to hide and then opening the switch menu prevents the cursor from being restored instead of restoring it immediaely. I need to check if the cursor is hidden before opening the switch menu.

Some commands not work in the menu such as REVERSER_ANY_POSITION, DEBUG_BRAKE, CHANGE_SWITCH.
I change to REVERSER_ANY_POSTION, DEBUG_BRAKE_SYSTEMS, SWITCH_MENU to use and save the control configurations for these commands.

Related information

  • OpenBVE Version: Build 2024-02-17
  • Method of control: Keyboard

Thanks for testing this.

As you've found, this is still somewhat incomplete, and a lot of things at the moment are seeing what other people can break, and making sure existing (unmodified) content has no new issues, before I try and get things working a little better overall.

There will almost certainly be other stuff which functions unexpectedly or not at all.

I believe all of these are now OK.