This repo is for the paper: 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation Through Collaborative Learning and Multi-view Model-fitting, Zhongguo Li, Magnus Oskarsson, and Anders Heyden.

Installation and Fetch data

This repo is modified based on the method called SPIN. If you want to run the code, you need to install depandencies and download the necessary data according to the installation instruction from the repo.


We provide a demo code for demonstrate the performance of our method. You can download the pre-trained model here. The person in the image should be in the center and cropped tightly. If you can provide the bounding box as the example in a pkl file, our demo still works. The bounding box is detected by CornerNet in our example. Therefore, we provide two ways to run the demo.

  1. Only test image in which the person is in the center and cropped tightly.
python demo_mvspin --trained_model=data/ --test_image=examples/test.png
  1. Test image with its correponding bounding box.
python demo_mvspin --trained_model=data/ --test_image=examples/test.png --bbox=examples/test_bboxes.pkl


You can also train the network. Firstly, you need to download the training dataset Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP. For the two dataset, you can use the scripts in datasets/preprocess to generate npy files for training and testing. You can also use the files generated by us here. We do not use smplify to get the fits files as SPIN. We just randomly generate the parameters of pose and shape for all the training data. You can also download it directly from here or generate by yourselves. In these files, the information including image names, 2D/3D joint points and bounding boxes are set. Based on our pre-trained model, you can retrain the network:

python --name train_example --pretrained_checkpoint=data/ --run_mvsmplify

You can check the options for training in the script utils/ After training the network, the trained models can be found in the foldes logs/train_example. You may use tensorboard to visulize the training process at the logs.


We evaluate our method on three dataset:Human3.6M, MPI-INF-3DHP and 3DPW. You can download the npy files for evaluation here or run the scrpits in dataset/preprocess to generate the files. Then, you can evaluate the method on the three datasets.

python --checkpoint=data/ --dataset=h36m-p1 --log_freq=20

You can change --dataset for different datasets. During the evaluation, you will see the results of Reconstruction Error and MPJPE.


We thank the SPIN sharing the code. And if you find our method is useful, please consider citing our paper

  Title          = {3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation Through Collaborative Learning and Multi-view Model-fitting},
  Author         = {Zhongguo Li, Magnus Oskarsson, and Anders Heyden},
  Booktitle      = {WACV},
  Year           = {2021}