
Twilight Color Scheme

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@Centril If you feel like doing a twilight color scheme like you did with the monokai, I would like to add it to the theme too. Maybe something like this one https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Predawn%20Twilight%20Theme

Sure, why not =) I'll do it when I have some time over...
I'll make sure to add scopes that are missing as well...

Repository for it: sublime-twilightcyanide-colorscheme

Btw, I've given you collaborator status on both sublime-twilightcyanide-colorscheme and sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme. If you want to, you can add me on cyanide-theme =)

@Centril I gave you contributor status on cyanide-theme as well, the only thing I ask is that I keep control on releases. Thanks =)

@lefoy Thanks =) Sure thing, I think that's for the best =)