Cyanide name in tmLanguage files?
Closed this issue · 7 comments
@Centril, quick question, why did you add Cyanide
before language name in language.hidden-tmLanguage
<string>Cyanide {{lang}}</string>
I'm not sure I would keep the prefix, but I just want to be sure I'm not missing something =)
Because when someone has actually installed for example the CoffeScript sublime plugin, it ships with actual syntax highlighting which is named "Coffescript".
And to differentiate between "Coffescript" and the dummy "Cyanide Coffescript", the prefix is needed.
Does it work w/o the prefix? Can it detect "Gruntfile JS" as "Javascript"?
It doesn't work with "Gruntfile JS" either, but I guess it's a problem with the plugin.
If we remove the prefix, would the Coffescript syntax from the plugin overwrite the one from Cyanide?
I guess one of them would overwrite the other... which depends on what file is loaded first, from the plugin or the theme... It is not really clear which one it is - so therefore I think we should keep the prefix to avoid the conflict.
I removed the prefix locally and I can't see any difference with the Coffeescript or with the Sass plugin.
I'll probably remove the prefix for the next release and if we find any conflit with other plugin, I'll find another way to differentiate files.
Aight, let's test and see how it goes ;)