
License? + Monokai? + File type icons?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hello there, great theme!

I have a couple of questions/comments:

  • What license is it under?
  • I've made an adjustment of Monokai Extended to fit Cyanide, It's called Monocyanide ColorScheme. Take a look at it =)
  • Seti has some great file type icons. I would love it if Cyanide had completely de-saturated & completely white (or at least nearly white) versions of those icons. Is that something you are willing to include, or should I fork your theme?


License is MIT, so you can do basically anything you want with the theme.

Monocyanide color scheme is really nice, I would be happy to add it to the theme!

About icons, I didn't have much time to work on the theme since ST released file icons. That's something I would like to add but I don't have much time these days. I will have more time next week or the week after.

If you feel like you want to make a pull request, I will certainly merge it =)

Thanks for your comments!

Thanks for the quick response!

I'll certainely write a pull-request for both parts.
Time to get cracking this afternoon after watching a move =)


Awesome 😄

Feel free to open more issues if you have other great ideas :)

I'll start working more on this theme in the next days. For example, I want like to create a grunt task to automatically create custom colors like Centurion theme does.

More or less finished work on file type icons, see: #12