
Doesn't work behind corporate proxy

Closed this issue · 10 comments


Cool idea - it really beats now yarn and npm )) however doesn't work now with a proxy server.

Do you use any agent to when sending requests to npm? Thanks!

You mean you have http.proxy in your settings.json? And you want it to be used in this extension, right?

You mean you have http.proxy in your settings.json? And you want it to be used in this extension, right?

@leftstick actually i have iT everywhere)) os settings, va code settings, npm config, even http_proxy environment variable.

Once you have it - you have to declare it everywhere))

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It could be great if you manage to reuse vs code settings to make it consistent

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try 1.2.1, now http.proxy is supported, you can try it with your env

Hi! I tried. It is still failing with the following popup:

write EPROTO 101057795:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:d:\buildagent\workspace\318698\vendor\node\deps\openssl\openssl\ssl\s23_clnt.c:827:
. Please check if your registry is accessible

http.proxy is set like http://webproxy.corp.com:1234
while the extension itself got update which means proxy is set up properly

@ThePlenkov try 1.2.2, i use axios internally for making all requests, but there is a bug with it.

@ThePlenkov try 1.2.2, i use axios internally for making all requests, but there is a bug with it.

Hi, the problem hasn't gone but the message is different now:


this is weird, i tried with my proxy setup, "http.proxy": "", it's working, are you sure your proxy is valid?

this is weird, i tried with my proxy setup, "http.proxy": "", it's working, are you sure your proxy is valid?

@leftstick sure, pretty much. I have all the services working with proxy. Even my own node js code - without proxy agent it returns same error.

Might it be something related to strict ssl?

Sometimes I have to set it as false.

Meanwhile I will try also a corporate npm artifactory registry. May be then it will work

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