
Cannot open load file: No such file or directory elegantt

deb75 opened this issue · 3 comments

deb75 commented


Whatever I do, I cannot load elegantt with the usual way :

(require 'elegantt)

It seems linked to issue #12 but I do not understand what is going on.

emacs 28.0.50, all other packages upgraded

deb75 commented

I would very much like to use elgantt, any help would be much appreciated.

I started emacs with --debug-init, but no errors show up, it seems just that elgantt cannot be loaded.
I checked the dependencies, no one is missing, but emacs complains dash-functional is obsolete.


I suggest you set the list of files El Gantt has access to. Your error sounds identical to the one I got when I first tried to run (elgantt-open). Try this M-: (setq elgantt-agenda-files "FullPathFileName"). Replace FullPathFileName with the full-path of your org file.

For my GNU Emacs 28.2 this error was solved just by restarting the emacs daemon. Setting above elegannt-agenda-files seems to have done something, but the correct chart only appeared after restart.