Allomancy HUD breaks rendering of other mods rendering overlays in world
KirinDave opened this issue · 3 comments
The Allomancy HUD appears to leave the rendering stack in a bad state for other mods attempting to draw overlays.
I am the pack developer for the Unlikely Reunion pack and we've noticed that the Allomancy HUD, even when turned off,
appears to leave the rendering stack in an odd state. Mods such as Pedestals or Scannable which try to render in the world
render in an extremely offset way, or not at all.
Steps to Reproduce
The easiest way to reproduce this is to download the Latest version of Unlikely Reunion or make a mini forge instance with Pedestals and Allomancy and then:
- Spawn in any Pedestal and Spawn in a Linking Tool.
- Shift right click the Pedestal with the Linking tool.
- The expected behavior is a bright red box drawn centered on the Pedestal. But in reality it will appear translated by a great distance. Toggling the Allomancy HUD on or off does not fix this.
- Repeating this without Allomancy loaded enables the expected effect.
Comments & Context
The dev team and players of Unlikely Reunion really like Allomancy and we'd like to keep it in our pack if it's at all possible. We've even spent hours documenting the mod via FTB Quests. Is there any way we can get a build that fixes this so that it doesn't step on other mods rendering?
Thanks for the detailed report - this is almost certainly a dupe of #52, which was just a missed detail of my part when the rendering system changed. Sorry for the issues it causes.
- I'm hopeful for 4.3 (which in addition to fixing this issue, also adds a lot of content like banner patterns and the extra ingots/blocks for the metals, and a WAILA plugin for bronze) to be released very soon - it's just waiting on textures, which I'm dependent on the kindness of strangers for (my pixel art skills are... lacking).
I'm going to close this issue, but I would like further confirmation that the issue is fixed before release, so if you'd like I can send you a dev build which should be identical to the next update except for the temporary textures.
I'd also love to hear more about your pack and the use of quests for the mod.
Feel free to reach out on discord (legobmw99#2459) or via email (my username @ gmail)
I've reached out on Discord, I'm Kirindave#9999