
Unable to process .h5 data

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I've been trying to process MX data in the .h5 file format with xdsme.
I've installed the latest version of xdsme, XDS and have installed the dectris-neggia.so libraries (I've tried working with pre-compiled and self-compiled libraries). I have employed the XDS_LIB_HDF5DEC keyword to point XDS to the library.

However, I keep getting the following error message

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/xdsme/bin/noarch/xdsme", line 1836, in
if not _coll.isContinuous(inputf):
File "/Applications/xdsme/XDS/XIO/XIO.py", line 887, in isContinuous
self.image = Image(self.initialImageName, rotationAxis=self.rotationAxis)
File "/Applications/xdsme/XDS/XIO/XIO.py", line 194, in init
File "/Applications/xdsme/XDS/XIO/XIO.py", line 426, in headerInterpreter
self.RawHeadDict = self.interpreter.getRawHeadDict(self.rawHead)
File "/Applications/xdsme/XDS/XIO/plugins/hdf5dec_interpreter.py", line 113, in getRawHeadDict
self.raw_head_dict[h5key] = raw_head[h5key][()]
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyfive/high_level.py", line 65, in getitem
raise KeyError('%s not found in group' % (y))
KeyError: 'entry/instrument/detector/beam_center_x not found in group'

I'm running on a MacBookPro, OS Catalina (10.15.6). Processing other file types (e.g., .cbf) is fine.

I can't seem to figure out my problem. All help is highly appreciated.

Very best wishes,
