E2X Automated Test

E2X Automated Test was developed using Cypress End-To-End(E2E) testing framework tool https://www.cypress.io/


  • Create an amazon account
  • Go to PageObjects - CheckoutPage
  • Inside checkout and pom files enter your email and password inside the empty quote

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repository https://github.com/legzy27/E2X-E2E-TestFramework.git
  2. Once you download the repository cd into the directory
  3. Install necessary dependencies with npm install command before the cypress E2E tests can run locally
  4. To launch the test locally use the command npx cypress open this will launch the cypress window
  5. Click on the test inside the window to run
  6. To generate a test report run use the command npm run test press enter
  7. To view test report open reports folder, click on mochareports folder, right click assets folder and reveal in finder, click to open report.html file


  • Used a page object model(POM) in the E2E test framework