
Configuration File

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have ideas for a configuration file that would live in ivy-path. This would potentially remember checkbox choices for, say, "exact" searching, whether to animate cinemagraphs or keep them static, and perhaps even whether to search tag browser using regex or not. I also have an idea on allowing the user to have Ivy look at an alternate path for its database - such as one that lives on a DropBox or some other mounted location.

I would like this to integrate with Racket's default macOS preferences window Cmd+,, but accessing that window is a little bit of a mystery at this time. I think it means I need to modify raco exe --cofig-path at compile-time, but that'd only work on single-user systems. What I really want is something defined with, say, define-runtime-path, but I cannot yet see how to integrate with the default preferences window Racket generates for macOS.

Update: raco exe --config-path is for Racket's configuration, not Ivy's. I've asked in the mailing list, but the information I obtained was how I wouldn't use --config-path, not how I could use the default preferences window on macOS.