
Start temporary collections of images from the GUI as well.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Ivy lets you start a temporary collection of images from disparate folders, so you can cycle through those images together. This is pretty cool! But right now, the only way to do it is from the commandline. Adding a menu/button and a keyboard shortcut to "Add images to your viewing session" or something like that would be nice too.

Ah! Maybe instead of "temporary collection" or "viewing session" or whatever, you could call it a playlist.

You can already do this from the file chooser.

Sorry, I was on a somewhat outdated version of Ivy when I posted this. I've updated now and retested, so let me clarify: You can start a playlist of arbitrary images from the GUI file chooser, but only from the same directory. From the commandline, the playlist can include images from any arbitrary location as well, which is what I thought particularly interesting.

Perhaps when looking the File menu, there could be an option to "Add to playlist" instead of just "Open" which effectively starts a new viewing session. When opening the file chooser, there could be a button that says "Add to playlist" and then you can continue navigating and selecting images to add more to the playlist, until you click "Add and finish" or just "Done."

It's a limitation of the file chooser. You can only add files from the same directory.

Right. Unless the file chooser switched to a full file tree view, I think it would be hard for the user to keep track of which files are selected when navigating through multiple directories.

Instead, what I'm suggesting is that creating a playlist which includes images from disparate locations could be done in multiple steps. The user could choose to "Open file" like normal, effectively starting a new playlist from the images in the selected directory -- or they could choose "Add to playlist," which instead adds files to the set of images currently being viewed. This could perhaps loop until the user clicks "Add and finish" or "Done" or something like that; those would be extra buttons appearing on the file chooser dialog. Or the user could do the complete process (click "Add to playlist," open file chooser, navigate to a directory, select images, click "add/open files," file chooser closes) multiple times if necessary.

I think this could be a good way to do it, but I'm thinking more about UI/UX. I understand that the Racket GUI library is somewhat limited.

Maybe this could be done more elegantly in the future, but as of 6bcd0f5, the functionality has been implemented.