
Upstream RStudio Server

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The source tree bundles a lot of external dependencies, which must be removed before upstreaming. For v1.2 these include:

  • src/cpp/session/resources/presentation/revealjs: version 2.4.0 (commit 88eb0af776bce5e07a21d030142c335d3c77cab1 according to src/cpp/tools/revealjs-version) of reveal.js and some fonts
  • src/gwt/www/fonts: contains font IcoMoon (https://icomoon.io/#icons-icomoon) with unclear license status
  • src/gwt/tools/compiler: Google Closure compiler
  • src/cpp/desktop/resources/freedesktop/icons: freedesktop icons
  • src/cpp/session/resources/pdfjs: pdfjs
  • src/cpp/session/resources/grid/datatables: datatables with local patches
  • src/cpp/core/spelling/hunspell: hunspell
  • src/cpp/core/json/spirit: Spirit JSON library
  • src/cpp/core/zlib: zlib
  • src/cpp/core/markdown/sundown: sundown
  • src/cpp/ext/websocketpp: websocketpp 0.5.1

And probably more. We also need to follow GWT’s dependency chain and import further packages.

Moved to guix-science, not going to happen.