
texreg and Rmarkdown (feature request)

lakshmiraut opened this issue · 2 comments

Your texreg package is great, thanks.
In an email exchange and a post here I mentioned other than htmlreg for html output, the texreg does not deliver right output to use in Rmarkdown to output in word or pdf format. You mentioned in an email to suggest any tip to improve it,

One quick and good solution is to have function like matrixreg which will output the table in a dataframe or and then knitr::kable can use it to produce the right kind of table. Your matrixreg produces text data. At least outputting the table entries in spreadsheet form can help a great deal.


Sorry for the late response. I have been busy with teaching etc. Can you provide a minimal self-contained example of the problem? I think it should already work well, but maybe I am missing something. What part of the output doesn't work for you? Have you tried out the knitreg function?

Closing due to inactivity.