
Smaller Fedora logo on boot...

Closed this issue · 2 comments


First Congrats for you fantastic work!
One small observation.
The boot Fedora logo is too big for my eyes.
Possibly to make smaller, like apple logo on boot?


So when m1n1 gets built into the installer, it runs this makelogo.sh script.

convert bootlogo_128.png -background black -flatten -depth 8 rgba:bootlogo_128.bin
convert bootlogo_256.png -background black -flatten -depth 8 rgba:bootlogo_256.bin

So by default, it's running that on these two logos

So when you boot the system, immediately after the Apple logo disappears that bootlogo_256.bin (256 x 256 pixel) image is displayed. However, within like a quarter of a second that image actually changes to the image that's contained within the second stage bootloader (basically from the the m1n1 package that you have installed on your system)
and that logo is displayed for several seconds. But since both logos are exactly the same, you don't realized that it's switched out.

So the m1n1 package you have installed on your system comes from this source:

You'll notice this logic

# Use our logos
# https://pagure.io/fedora-logos/pull-request/21
# https://pagure.io/generic-logos/pull-request/2
pushd data
rm bootlogo_{128,256}.{bin,png}
convert -background none -resize 128x128 -gravity center -extent 128x128 \
  %{_datadir}/pixmaps/fedora-logo-sprite.svg bootlogo_128.png
zopflipng -ym bootlogo_128.png bootlogo_128.png
convert -background none -resize 256x256 -gravity center -extent 256x256 \
  %{_datadir}/pixmaps/fedora-logo-sprite.svg bootlogo_256.png
zopflipng -ym bootlogo_256.png bootlogo_256.png

What I would do is try rebuilding this package and altering the size of the images and see if that works.
I might have some time this weekend to play around with this a bit...
But since this is an official Fedora package. You'd have to rebuild this every time they released an update.
The other option would be to submit a request on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/ requesting a smaller size logo.
It's going to be a painful process either way. I hope that helps....

Thanks for the information!

Very complicated to be worth it.
It was a comment.

Close it :)