
How to get iRedadmin username and password

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I have installed the iRedmail server using docker. When I try to log in it shows username and password. How to get or generate the username and password? I am also tried this https://docs.iredmail.org/reset.user.password.htmlmethod to generate the password but not working. Please help with this..

username = postmaster@domain.com
password = ?

docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
           -h HOSTNAME.DOMAIN \
           -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password" \
           -e "SOGO_WORKERS=1" \
           -e "TZ=Europe/Prague" \
           -e "POSTMASTER_PASSWORD={PLAIN}password" \
           -e "IREDAPD_PLUGINS=['reject_null_sender', 'reject_sender_login_mismatch', 'greylisting', 'throttle', 'amavisd_wblist', 'sql_alias_access_policy']" \
           -v /srv/iredmail/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
           -v /srv/iredmail/vmail:/var/vmail \
           -v /srv/iredmail/clamav:/var/lib/clamav \
           --name=iredmail lejmr/iredmail:mysql-latest

Source: https://github.com/lejmr/iredmail-docker#readme

You need this part -e "POSTMASTER_PASSWORD={PLAIN}password" (keep {plain}, change just password part).

Thank you