filter for bad characters
Closed this issue · 4 comments
it's possible to enter "code" in the tag input, which is executed instantly.
As an example input:
><img src=a onerror="alert('BAM!')">
So I'd like to filter such stuff on input.
I tried with onCanAdd - it help's a little
I tried with onCreateItem - seems the wrong direction
What should be the right way to do it?
i guess you are right that makes for a bad default
This should do it :)
Thx Koala!
Great work again! That's what I would prefere - the soft sanitizing.
But I was forced to sanitize harder - remove all "bad" characters.
I can change the sanitize method or maybe better I could override the onRenderItem event to the desired behavior.
onRenderItem: (item, label, inst) => {
if (!inst.config("allowHtml")) {
return sanitize(label);
return label;
Oh - override did only work for the loaded labels - not for the new created options
Overwrite sanitize worked of course!
What do you think?
oh i see
i added a "inputFilter" callback and you can also customize the sanitizer now
That's all I dreamed of!
Very good customizable. I don't have to change the lib itself.