
Support statement types similar to referenced relations

Opened this issue · 3 comments

raghu2 commented

Hi @lelit ,

Not sure if this was already implemented, but it would be great if something like statement type can also be implemented like

query = 'insert into table_1 select * from table_2'

should give something like [('InsertStmt', 'table_1'), ('SelectStmt', 'table_2')]

If this was already implemented please guide me to the link or the code-snippet.

Thanks in advance,

lelit commented

Without going into details (but we know what|who hides there 😉) it seems easy to adapt the ReferencedRelations to do that, keeping track of the "statement" type in its visit_SelectStmt() method, possibly adding a new attribute by_stmt_type_names, a dictionary of sets.

raghu2 commented

thanks @lelit for your quick response. can you guide me as to how to proceed please ? i will try to fork and raise a pr accordingly.

lelit commented

I would start by copying the ReferencedRelations class into a standalone script, where you can experiment freely.
I would then add by_stmt_type_r_names attribute, initialized as an empty dictionary (or even a defaultdict(set) instance).
Then, whenever the code adds a name to the existing r_names set, it should also add the same name to the right set in by_stmt_type_r_names, creating the set if it does not already exist.