
TypeError while init RawStmt from query parse tree dict which has A_Star.

Typepluto opened this issue · 2 comments


Encounter TypeError: A_Star.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given while init RawStmt from query parse tree Dict which has A_Star.

Error code

from pglast.parser import parse_sql
from pglast.ast import RawStmt

query = """SELECT * FROM Customers"""
root = parse_sql(query)

Error message

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], line 3
      1 query = """SELECT * FROM Customers"""
      2 root = parse_sql(query)
----> 3 print(RawStmt(root[0]()))

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:3225, in RawStmt.__init__(self, stmt, stmt_location, stmt_len)
   3220 def __init__(self, stmt=None, stmt_location=None, stmt_len=None):  # pragma: no cover  # noqa: E501
   3221     if ((stmt is not None
   3222          and stmt_location is stmt_len is None  # noqa: E501
   3223          and isinstance(stmt, dict)
   3224          and '@' in stmt)):
-> 3225         super().__init__(stmt)
   3226     else:
   3227         self.stmt = stmt

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:77, in Node.__init__(self, data)
     75 if v is not None:
     76     if isinstance(v, dict) and '@' in v:
---> 77         v = G[v['@']](v)
     78     elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
     79         v = tuple(G[i['@']](i) if isinstance(i, dict) and '@' in i else i
     80                   for i in v)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:3497, in SelectStmt.__init__(self, distinctClause, intoClause, targetList, fromClause, whereClause, groupClause, groupDistinct, havingClause, windowClause, valuesLists, sortClause, limitOffset, limitCount, limitOption, lockingClause, withClause, op, all, larg, rarg)
   3492 def __init__(self, distinctClause=None, intoClause=None, targetList=None, fromClause=None, whereClause=None, groupClause=None, groupDistinct=None, havingClause=None, windowClause=None, valuesLists=None, sortClause=None, limitOffset=None, limitCount=None, limitOption=None, lockingClause=None, withClause=None, op=None, all=None, larg=None, rarg=None):  # pragma: no cover  # noqa: E501
   3493     if ((distinctClause is not None
   3494          and intoClause is targetList is fromClause is whereClause is groupClause is groupDistinct is havingClause is windowClause is valuesLists is sortClause is limitOffset is limitCount is limitOption is lockingClause is withClause is op is all is larg is rarg is None  # noqa: E501
   3495          and isinstance(distinctClause, dict)
   3496          and '@' in distinctClause)):
-> 3497         super().__init__(distinctClause)
   3498     else:
   3499         self.distinctClause = distinctClause

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:79, in Node.__init__(self, data)
     77         v = G[v['@']](v)
     78     elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
---> 79         v = tuple(G[i['@']](i) if isinstance(i, dict) and '@' in i else i
     80                   for i in v)
     81 setattr(self, a, v)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:79, in <genexpr>(.0)
     77         v = G[v['@']](v)
     78     elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
---> 79         v = tuple(G[i['@']](i) if isinstance(i, dict) and '@' in i else i
     80                   for i in v)
     81 setattr(self, a, v)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:3337, in ResTarget.__init__(self, name, indirection, val, location)
   3332 def __init__(self, name=None, indirection=None, val=None, location=None):  # pragma: no cover  # noqa: E501
   3333     if ((name is not None
   3334          and indirection is val is location is None  # noqa: E501
   3335          and isinstance(name, dict)
   3336          and '@' in name)):
-> 3337         super().__init__(name)
   3338     else:
   3339         self.name = name

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:77, in Node.__init__(self, data)
     75 if v is not None:
     76     if isinstance(v, dict) and '@' in v:
---> 77         v = G[v['@']](v)
     78     elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
     79         v = tuple(G[i['@']](i) if isinstance(i, dict) and '@' in i else i
     80                   for i in v)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:1254, in ColumnRef.__init__(self, fields, location)
   1249 def __init__(self, fields=None, location=None):  # pragma: no cover  # noqa: E501
   1250     if ((fields is not None
   1251          and location is None  # noqa: E501
   1252          and isinstance(fields, dict)
   1253          and '@' in fields)):
-> 1254         super().__init__(fields)
   1255     else:
   1256         self.fields = fields

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:79, in Node.__init__(self, data)
     77         v = G[v['@']](v)
     78     elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
---> 79         v = tuple(G[i['@']](i) if isinstance(i, dict) and '@' in i else i
     80                   for i in v)
     81 setattr(self, a, v)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pglast/ast.py:79, in <genexpr>(.0)
     77         v = G[v['@']](v)
     78     elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
---> 79         v = tuple(G[i['@']](i) if isinstance(i, dict) and '@' in i else i
     80                   for i in v)
     81 setattr(self, a, v)

TypeError: A_Star.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

Thank you for the report, I will investigate as time permits.

Will release 5.6 in the next days.