

Closed this issue · 4 comments

df7cb commented

pglast 3.8 on Debian's Python 3.9.10:

>>> pglast.parse_sql("create tablespace foo location '/bar'")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "pglast/parser.pyx", line 268, in pglast.parser.parse_sql
  File "pglast/ast.pyx", line 5866, in pglast.parser.create
  File "pglast/ast.pyx", line 1506, in pglast.parser.create_RawStmt
  File "pglast/ast.pyx", line 6000, in pglast.parser.create
  File "pglast/ast.pyx", line 2373, in pglast.parser.create_CreateTableSpaceStmt
  File "pglast/parser.pyx", line 226, in pglast.parser.Displacements.__call__
TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'bytes'
lelit commented

Thanks, I will try to understand and cure the problem in the following days.

lelit commented

Should be fixed in v3.

df7cb commented

Thanks, works now!

lelit commented

Released in v3.9.