
Restaurant Management System as a rental service

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Restaurant Management System

Link to demo video (YouTube): https://youtu.be/OJ98gg-iL10


This project is developed as a part of the internship program in VNPT Group. The company aim to provide students opportunities to work in a more practical environment to help enhance their skillsets, and additionally search for and foster qualified engineers for their new projects.


The system is first designed as a management application for a single restaurant, although the demands for a management system are quite large, the software prices aren't affordable for many small restaurants. Therefore, we re-design the system's architecture by following the concept of multi-tenant architecture.

This approach allows multiple clients to use the only instance of the app simultaneously, and therefore would help reduce the cost of development and maintenance. Besides, the system also allows a business owner the ability to run more than one restaurant with a single account.

Results and limitations

By joining in the internship programme in VNPT Group, I and my co-authors had learnt many business models and studied recent technologies to develop the system which satisfied many of the requirements in management activities.

However, the fact that we're more familiar with the traditional methods of web development, we found many obstacles in developing with MERN stack technologies in the early stages. And, the limit of time compelled us to leave back some features such as salary and inventory management.


Because we had used a lot of libraries such as axios, tailwind, react-pdf,... We recommend using the npm tools for installing required packages:

$ npm install


Now you can run front-end with

$ npm start

And run the back-end with nodemon, so it'll automatically restart the server when there are changes.

$ nodemon server.js

Or you could just use $npm start if you want.


You can try this for educational purposes.