
HiLetgo ESP32 camera failed to init

keredson opened this issue · 4 comments

this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07X1W2PT3

>>> import camera
>>> camera.init(0, format=camera.JPEG)  
E (293124) camera: Detected camera not supported.
E (293124) camera: Camera probe failed with error 0x20004
E (293124) camera: Camera Init Failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OSError: Camera Init Failed

this worked:

>>> import camera
>>> camera.init(0,
...   d0=5,
...   d1=14,
...   d2=4,
...   d3=15,
...   d4=18,
...   d5=23,
...   d6=36,
...   d7=39,
...   href=25,
...   vsync=27,
...   sioc=12,
...   siod=13,
...   xclk=32,
...   pclk=19,
...   xclk_freq=camera.XCLK_10MHz,
...   reset=-1,
...   pwdn=26,
... )
E (23905) gpio: gpio_install_isr_service(460): GPIO isr service already installed
>>> buf = camera.capture()
>>> len(buf)


What is issue here? That you need extra paramenter to set the pins of the camera?

@aguaviva 👍 @keredson Thanks for the board link.

What is issue here? That you need extra paramenter to set the pins of the camera?

Just helping document, since it seemed there's automated detection that didn't work for this board.