
I am getting an error when trying to download a database

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I am new to this and had just downloaded python, pip and sqlite. I have tried troubleshooting steps like checking for permissions, using different directories and ensuring I have the 3 software mentioned. I also noticed that no file was downloaded to the given directory (if that is of any help). Any help will be appreciated.

@NicholasChanWeyJie the database_path argument is a filename, not a directory. If JariKu\Kilter already exists (you probably have a directory named that), then the download step is skipped and it tries to synchronize a sqlite database file with that name, which of course fails.

So if you just change the command to boardlib database kilter C:\JariKu\Kilter\kilter.db it should work.

I think we can improve the error message here by checking if the supplied path is a directory, and if so, erroring out and stating that the supplied path must either be the path to an existing sqlite database file or a non-existent path to a new filename.

I got it working. Thanks!

No problem! Keeping the issue open for improving the error messaging.