
Go get is no longer supported

Opened this issue · 4 comments

README.md tells the user to run go get -d github.com/lemonade-command/lemonade for installation.

However, doing so give me:

$ go get -d github.com/lemonade-command/lemonade
go: go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory.
	'go get' is no longer supported outside a module.
	To build and install a command, use 'go install' with a version,
	like 'go install example.com/cmd@latest'
	For more information, see https://golang.org/doc/go-get-install-deprecation
	or run 'go help get' or 'go help install'.

go install github.com/lemonade-command/lemonade@latest works fine

go install github.com/lemonade-command/lemonade@latest工作正常

When I did ‘make install’
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, git describe --tags, ...) failed.

go install github.com/lemonade-command/lemonade@latest工作正常

当我执行“make install”时 process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, git describe --tags, ...) failed.

I downloaded the release and exce it,just popped up and nothing happened. Then I tried to download go and gcc, It didn't work though. Was the project dead?

go install github.com/lemonade-command/lemonade@latest工作正常

当我执行“make install”时 process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, git describe --tags, ...) failed.

I downloaded the release and exce it,just popped up and nothing happened. Then I tried to download go and gcc, It didn't work though. Was the project dead?

The project might be dead, but the utility works fine.