
Pokedex for Kottans Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Kottans Test Project

This is a pokedex project for Kottans testing challenge. For a proper usage of this application it's recommended to have 2MB/sec connection or faster.

Pokedex allows you to:

  • The app allows user to learn pokemon data base;
  • After loading basic files you will find a list of cards with pokemons;
  • You can click on them to get extend info about each pokemon;
  • To load more pokemons use 'Load More' button;
  • To sort cards by type of pokemons or by their names use buttons above the list;
  • If you wanna mute or adjust music volume - use buttons at the top of the app;
  • You will find a secret 'Bonus' section with some additional content.

You can also contact me via email: lempiyada@gmail.com

You can test run this app by this link: http://lempiy.github.io

If you're interested of my Task #2 implementation follow this link https://github.com/lempiy/task-2