
GPTs for content creators

carlostejerodev opened this issue · 0 comments


I could not find anywhere to submit my GPTs on the website, so I'm pasting them here in the hope that they can be incorporated in this manner.

The following GPTs are developed for content creators, especially those who have YouTube faceless channels.
All GPTs:

  1. VisualScript

Transform a script into scene images for your YouTube video. Whether you want oil-painting scenes or realistic images, this AI tool automates the illustration of your script's content with 1 click. https://chat.openai.com/g/g-u6ooEbi8z-visualscript

Link: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-u6ooEbi8z-visualscript

These are some examples of scenes it created for a script narrating Michael Jordan's life story:

  1. AutoShare

AI Agent that uploads your content on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Discord. Post all your social media content in one place with 1 click.

Link: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-xwtecgGfH-autoshare

  1. Packaging Expert

Create and improve YouTube thumbnails and titles. From an idea to a CTR-optimized packaging for your YouTube video with 1 click.

Link: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-nV0xRgkiY-packaging-expert

Here is an example of a thumbnail it created for an idea of a video talking about the use of drugs in the ancient egypt

  1. ScriptCraft

Create and improve YouTube scripts: Obtain the best storytelling and engagement for your videos.


  1. TubeInsight

Perform data analysis on your YouTube channel for insights. This AI tool is a data-driven YouTube strategist trained to give the best advice to content creators.

Link: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-9JpRjmWeH-tubeinsight

  1. 1 Out Of 10 Idea

Obtain viral YouTube video ideas with 1 click. Improve and create great ideas for your videos.

Link: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-hveqLmAae-1-out-of-10-idea

  1. Thumbnail Wizard

Create and improve YouTube thumbnails: Obtain the best packaging and CTR for your videos with one click

Link: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-9FtAOTNOr-thumbnail-wizard

  1. MrBeastGPT

MrBeast YouTube Consulting: Get the best advice from MrBeast AI on your video thumbnails, titles, scripts, content and ideas. Your AI YouTube strategist, inspired by MrBeast's insights

Link: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-nQJx1lruB-mrbeastgpt