
--from-db CONNECTION_STRING error

rimusz opened this issue · 1 comments

what format is for --from-db CONNECTION_STRING ?
tried REDSHIFT_URL=root:mypassword@my_redshift:5439/analytics in:

docker run redshift-to-rds .cabal-sandbox/bin/aws-redshift-to-rds \
  --from-type redshift --from-db="${REDSHIFT_URL}" --from-table some_schema.users \
  --to-type rds --to-db="${DATABASE_URL}" --to-table some_schema_db.users

and getting an error:

mirroring from redshift to RDS: db.users -> db.users...
aws-redshift-to-rds: libpq: failed (missing "=" after "root:mypassword@my_redshift:5439/analytics" in connection info string

no worries, the format is the same as in the config file.