csgosl does not load the 1v1 plugin
Opened this issue · 5 comments
I open csgosl and click the 'sourcemod' tab, enable it, as well as enable the multi1v1 plugin as well. But it doesn't work properly, and doesn't even show it is in the list.
That's weird, just tried it and it worked flawlessly (see below). I see there's a newer version 1.1.10 of this plugin which I will update to but that shouldn't influence your issue. Could it be related to the "sm_multi1v1_lanonly" option? Is it e.g. enabled and you're not running the server "lanonly"? If so, the addon will be disabled.
Under 'Sourcemod' tab, I have enabled checked, and lanonly unchecked. Under the multi1v1 plugin, I have sm_multi1v1_enable checked, and sm_multi1v1_lanonly unchecked.
Not sure why it is broken.
Sounds fine, and under Server tab/Connection you have "lanonly' unchecked as well?
You're running a public server, right? Unfortunately I don't run csgo anymore and only have a local ("lanonly") installation going for testing new csgosl releases.
Do you have any other sourcemods working when/if running a public server?
Yeah I have "lanonly" unchecked there as well.
And yes I have a public server, port forwarded on my router. People can connect just fine. I just cannot run most of the sourcemods included with csgosl
Strange, is this a common problem? Anyone else running a public server with working/non-working csgosl sourcemods? Anyone installed there own non-csgosl sourcemods and got them working?