
Unable to deploy the protocol - Cannot find '../typechain-types' issue

BriceGD7 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi ! I dev on windows, I already had issues with the Quick Setup guide when configuring the docker container.
I choosed not to use it and I got other issues for deploying the protocol in a local blockchain.

Here is what I got in the first terminal:
(This is in french but means SKIP_LOAD is not recognized as an internal or external control.)
I fixed that with "npm ci" in the first terminal and I got:
So I guess this is working fine and I just have to keep this window open and dev in another terminal.

I have the exact same issues in the second shell but couldn't fix it:
This "Cannot find module '../typechain-types'" issue is the same than previously. I try this:
And now I got issues with Hardhat (not recognized as internal or external control)..

I tried to set SKIP_LOAD value, to update full-deploy.ts file but nothing is working...
Thank you for your help, and tell me if you have further questions !

I had the same issue, but then was able to generate the typechain-types by running npm run compile