
Degrees of Separation bug

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I created a post with the Degrees of Separation module set to 2 degrees, but no profile is able to reference this post, including me.

The post: https://share.lens.xyz/p/0xd8-0x0162

The transaction: https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x2c173d4fff2b5475a35673c01450d9fb50ef54ee8ff79f40a6adcafd6d430aca

I suspect this might have something to do with my wallet having multiple Lens Profiles. I've tried submitting a comment transaction directly, without using the API, but gas cannot be estimated as the tx will fail (so this isn't an API issue).

Good post, I tried replying and it failed, as you said. We were debugging and it worked when we went through the contracts directly, so it seems it might be a Lens API bug. The backend team will work on it.


If it were an API issue shouldn't I be able to post a comment directly to the LensHub contract? That's not working, unless I did something wrong (I don't think I did, as I can successfully comment on any other post with the exact same calldata).

Are you able to comment on my post linked, directly from the contract?

Yes, here you have a tx of a comment to your post. We just put "test" as contentURI, which is not a URI that follows the Lens metadata standards, so it will not be indexed in the Lens API (so, you won't see it in the feed).

I've been informed that this is now resolved.