
Share Lens links Effortlessly

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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The primary purpose of this repository is to implement the LIP-3.

Lens Share Link

Lens Share Link is a standardized URL that can be used to share publication and profile on social media, chat, and other Lens apps.

Publication Lens Share Link

The Lens Share Link format is:



  • <id> is the publication ID.
  • <appId> is an optional parameter that reflect the Lens App ID of the app used to generate the Lens Share Link. This is used to give priority to the app that generated the Lens Share Link when the user opens the Lens Share Link.

Some examples:

  • https://share.lens.xyz/p/0x01
  • https://share.lens.xyz/p/0x01?by=hey
  • https://share.lens.xyz/p/0x01?by=orb

Profile Lens Share Link

The Lens Share Link format is:



  • <fullHandle> is the profile v2 full handle including the namespace (e.g. lens/alice, lens/bob, etc.).
  • <appId> is an optional parameter that reflect the Lens App ID of the app used to generate the Lens Share Link. This is used to give priority to the app that generated the Lens Share Link when the user opens the Lens Share Link.

Some examples:

  • https://share.lens.xyz/u/lens/alice
  • https://share.lens.xyz/u/lens/alice?by=Hey

Lens Share UI

Lens Share UI is the web app implemented in this repository that is used to render Lens Share Links.

Some Lens apps are capable of supporting deep linking to specific publication or profile. Not all apps support profiles and publications. Among the apps that support publications some are more suitable to render text posts, video posts, audio posts, and so on.

The Lens Share UI gives the user the option to open the Lens Share Link in the app that best support the Lens Share Link.

The Lens Share UI is also responsible to render Open Graph and Twitter Card meta tags that are used by social media to render a nice preview of the Lens Share Link.

Lens Share App Manifest

Lens Share App Manifest is a specification app metadata (e.g. name, description, routes, etc.) that is used by the Lens Share UI to show the list of apps the user can choose from when opening an Lens Share Link.

Every App Manifest MUST be validated with the JSON Schema: https://share.lens.xyz/schemas/1.0.0/app-manifest


We encourage all Lens apps builders to submit a PR against this repository with the app manifest(s) that they want to be listed.

Development workflow

After cloning the repo, run pnpm install to fetch its dependencies. Then you can use several commands:

  • pnpm lint to check code style. Run pnpm lint -- --fix to automatically fix all issues that do not require human intervention.
  • pnpm dev to run the local development server (listening on http://localhost:3000)
  • pnpm build to build the project for production deployments
  • pnpm start to run a built project.
  • pnpm test:dev to run e2e Playwright tests against a running instance (e.g. while you run pnpm dev on another terminal)

Add your app manifest

  • Fork this repository
  • Install the dependencies with pnpm install
  • Add your app manifest to the manifests folder
  • Run the app locally with pnpm dev. The app is available at http://localhost:3000/u/<your-full-handle>, or http://localhost:3000/p/<your-publication-id>
  • Test thoroughly your configuration by:
    • opening Lens Share links with web and mobile browser and verify your app shows in the list as expected
    • opening Lens Share links with ?by=<your-app-id> parameter to verify your app is prioritized as expected
  • Amend the tests in the e2e folder to include your app name in the expected lists
    • run the app on one terminal with BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 pnpm dev
    • verify tests pass on another terminal with pnpm test
  • Commit your changes and open a PR against this repository


Lens Share is MIT licensed


See the Lens API and SDK channel on our Discord