
Compilation errors when running `cargo install tealr_doc_gen`

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Hi Lenscas!
I've noticed that running cargo install tealr_doc_gen uses the alpha-3 version of tealr causing some errors:

error[E0063]: missing field `type_doc` in initializer of `EnumGenerator`
  --> /home/makspll/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/tealr_doc_gen-0.2.0/src/run_template.rs:61:47
61 |             type_members: TypeGenerator::Enum(EnumGenerator {
   |                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ missing `type_doc`

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
   --> /home/makspll/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/tealr_doc_gen-0.2.0/src/run_template.rs:86:58
86  |         instance_collector.add_instance("side_bar_types".into(), move |_| Ok(side_bar))?;
    |                            ------------                  ^^^^
    |                            |
    |                            required by a bound introduced by this call
    = note: cannot satisfy `_: Into<Cow<'static, str>>`

It looks like running:
cargo install tealr_doc_gen --git https://github.com/lenscas/tealr_doc_gen/
works however.

Not sure if that is expected!

that is... not expected. Thanks for the catch. Not sure what happened.

does this still happen with the latest alpha?

It seems so, now it's pulling the alpha 4 version, but I think it should be using the non-alpha tealr versions

it still occur, maybe it fix by v0.3.0-alpha2

the problem was that cargo install by default would install the latest non alpha version. Now that tealr_doc_gen v0.3.0 is released (no alpha!) this is fixed.