Source connector - read files from day partition
iamsamba opened this issue · 2 comments
I am using s3 source connector 2.8.4 to read parquet files s3 by year, month, day partition.
Connector connected successfully but 0 messages flushed.
flushing 0 outstanding messages for offset commit
Can someone let me know how do we define connector to flush messages from s3 parquet format by year, month, day partition?
connect.s3.kcql=insert into select * from PARTITIONBY _date.uuuu,_date.LL,_date.dd STOREAS parquet
@iamsamba can you provide an example of your directory structure on S3?
The source doesn't support the PARTITIONBY keyword but instead uses a Partition Extractor that you define.
Please see the Partition Extraction section of our documentation for more details.
@iamsamba are you still having this issue? Did you try the latest release? Please reopen if the issue persists