
This is a small and easy WordPress plugin that makes people aware of the fact that your site uses cookies.

Primary LanguagePHP

Ilmenite Cookie Consent

A simple, developer-friendly WordPress plugin that lets visitors know that the site is using cookies.

There are many WordPress plugins out there which does a lot of fancy things with the cookie consent. We didn't find one we really liked that was really lightweight and developer friendly and so we created our own.

It isn't meant for the masses who want tons of configurable options in the admin (although it will work and look fine out of the box). Many use this plugin with the default styling because it is so light-weight and good-looking.

For the developer who wants the functionality and being able to convenietly override the styles in the theme without bloat—here's a plugin for you. You have filters and actions available to you at every step of the process.


The plugin works out of the box with minimal settings. However here are a few things you will probably want to be aware about.

Set the policy link

You can set the URL to the cookie policy page in the customizer under the "Site Identity" section.

Custom Styling

Out of the box, the plugin includes a lightweight stylesheet. If you don't want to use our default coloring, you can easily prevent us from including the styles.

Just define the following filter somewhere in your code, such as the theme functions.php file:

add_filter( 'ilcc_load_stylesheet', '__return_false' );

Changing the text and/or the button label.

To change the text in the consent banner and/or the button label, there are two filters: ilcc_consent_text and ilcc_accept_text.

Just set their value somewhere in your code, such as in the functions.php file of your theme:

function ilcc_modify_consent_text( $text ) {
    $text = __( 'This is my custom text about how we use cookies.', 'YOURTEXTDOMAIN' );
    return $text;

add_filter( 'ilcc_consent_text', 'ilcc_modify_consent_text' );

function ilcc_modify_accept_text( $text ) {
    $text = __( 'I Accept', 'YOURTEXTDOMAIN' );
    return $text;

add_filter( 'ilcc_accept_text', 'ilcc_modify_accept_text' );

List of Actions

ilcc_loaded - Runs on constructor.

before_ilcc_init - Runs before we have run any init actions.

ilcc_init - Runs when all init hooks have run.

List of Filters

ilcc_has_user_consented - Specifiy if the user has accepted or not. True or false value. Has arguments $cookie_name and $cookie_value.

ilcc_cookie_active_value - Set which value is "active" for the cookie, ie. consented. Defaults to 1.

ilcc_cookie_name - Set the name of the cookie. Defaults to 'EUConsentCookie'.

ilcc_accept_text - Set the accept button text.

ilcc_consent_text - Set the consent text. Has $policy_url as argument.

ilcc_policy_url - Allows you to modify the Policy URL. Has the url from the options as argument.

ilcc_edit_policy_url_capability - Allows you to modify which capability is required for editing the policy URL in the customizer. Defaults to edit_theme_options.

ilcc_load_stylesheets - (bool) Set if you want the stylesheets to be loaded or not. Defaults to true.


Included in the package are translations for the following languages:

  • Danish (Thanks Magnus)
  • German (Thanks Frank)
  • Hungarian (Thanks Miklos)
  • Italian (Thanks Matteo)
  • Lithuanian
  • Norwegian (Thanks Kristofer)
  • Slovak (Thanks Peter)
  • Spanish (Thanks Vigdis & Ibertrix)
  • Swedish

A complete .pot file is available in the translations/ directory. If you use and translate this little plugin, please send us the translation so it can be included!

Even better is if you use Translate.WordPress.org for your translations. That way, they will be automatically distributed with the WordPress updater.

However, in some locales, the work with the Translate site is not up to speed. We will continue to support bundled translations because of this.


Version 1.3.0

  • JS script converted to Vanilla (jQuery removed)
  • Add filter on button classname

Version 1.2.0

In this release we've made some code improvements as well as improvements to class names and the JavaScript that powers most of the features. You will also have better and more access to filters and actions for customization.

  • Improvement: Better class names for the consent box.
  • Improvement: Switched to setting the policy URL in the customizer instead of under Settings > Reading.
  • Improvement: Re-structured the JavaScript code.
  • Improvement: Ensure we get languages from all possible storage folders in WordPress.
  • Improvement: Added filter to disable stylesheet loading.
  • Improvement: Never process any of the the JS or CSS logic if the user has already consented.
  • Improvement: Added filter when we check if user has consented.
  • Improvement: Added filter for cookie name.
  • Improvement: Added filter for cookie acceptance value.
  • Improvement: Modified consent text filter to include the policy URL as a variable.
  • Improvement: Added filter for when getting the policy URL.
  • Improvement: Switched from an <a> tag for the acceptance button, to a more proper button.
  • Improvement: Added filter to edit the capbility required for editing the Policy URL in the customizer. Defaults to edit_theme_options.
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where the consent block could add to the DOM multiple times.

Version 1.1.4

Included Danish translation (Thanks Magnus)

Version 1.1.3

Included a Hungarian translation (Thanks Miklos)

Version 1.1.2

Updated a string in the Spanish translation (thanks ibertrix)

Version 1.1.1

We managed to change a string we shouldn't have changed in Version 1.1.0. Sorry about that!

Version 1.1.0

It's time we switch this plugin over to above 1.0 releases.

  • Changed the textdomain to conform with the plugin name = text domain. This means we will have full support for the WordPress.org Plugin translations.
  • Added Italian translation (Thanks Matteo)

Version 0.2.9

  • Improved German translation (Thanks Frank!)
  • Added Lithuanian translation
  • Minor Code Tweaks & Improvements (just behind the scenes—Thanks Johan)

Version 0.2.8

  • Added Spanish translation (Thanks Vigdis!)
  • Fixed a bug where the cookie banner height would be outputted in the JS console.

Version 0.2.7

  • Added Slovak translation (Thanks Peter!)

Version 0.2.6

  • Added Norwegian (Bokmål) translation (Thanks Kristofer!)
  • Updated German translation with missing string
  • Fixes dev mode constant
  • Remove the GitHub Updater. Plugin will be added to the WordPress respository.

Version 0.2.5

  • Performance Increase: Don't load scripts and styles if the cookie has already been set.

Version 0.2.4

  • Fixed a miss in the new CSS

Version 0.2.3

  • Fixed a bug where the settings wouldn't save due to an incorrectly specified settings area. (Thanks to jnylin https://github.com/jnylin)
  • Added mobile friendly default styles

Version 0.2.2

  • Fixed a bug where the localization function wasn't properly loaded.
  • Fixed a bug where some textdomains were not properly specified.

Version 0.2.1

  • Fixed a bug where the language files weren't properly loaded.

Version 0.2.0

  • Added GitHub updater
  • Added settings field for policy URL
  • Minify script and style
  • Added German translation

Version 0.1.0

  • First plugin version.


This plugin was created by Erik Bernskiold at Bernskiold Media [http://www.bernskioldmedia.com].


This plugin is licensed under GPL. Feel free to use it in personal and commercial projects as you wish.