
NOT found animated_bottombar

chathudan opened this issue · 8 comments


Where is the animated_bottombar located?

Because flutter_widgets depends on animated_bottombar from path which doesn't exist (could not find package animated_bottombar at "animated_bottombar"), version solving failed. pub get failed (66; Because flutter_widgets depends on animated_bottombar from path which doesn't exist (could not find package animated_bottombar at "animated_bottombar"), version solving failed.)

#4 (comment)
Yes please help


Where is the animated_bottombar located?

Because flutter_widgets depends on animated_bottombar from path which doesn't exist (could not find package animated_bottombar at "animated_bottombar"), version solving failed. pub get failed (66; Because flutter_widgets depends on animated_bottombar from path which doesn't exist (could not find package animated_bottombar at "animated_bottombar"), version solving failed.)

Hi Can you please replace the
animated_bottombar: path: animated_bottombar
in pubspec.yaml

with fancy_bar: ^1.0.3

I have released the animated_bottom_bar as a separate plugin you can get it here.

Where is the animated_bottombar located?
Because flutter_widgets depends on animated_bottombar from path which doesn't exist (could not find package animated_bottombar at "animated_bottombar"), version solving failed. pub get failed (66; Because flutter_widgets depends on animated_bottombar from path which doesn't exist (could not find package animated_bottombar at "animated_bottombar"), version solving failed.)

Hi Can you please replace the
animated_bottombar: path: animated_bottombar
in pubspec.yaml

with fancy_bar: ^1.0.3

I have released the animated_bottom_bar as a separate plugin you can get it here.

got it, thank you

Recommend to update the repo directly, appreciate it.

I'll update it this weekend. Got stuck I'm office works 😁

@leoelstin @j0e1in thank you very much, i'm having the same issue and you save my time

@leoelstin issue still persists.

I have changed:

animated_bottombar: path: animated_bottombar


fancy_bar: ^1.0.3

I then run flutter pub get, and flutter run

I still get the same error:

Error: Could not resolve the package 'animated_bottombar' in

lib/animation/animated_bottom_bar.dart:2:8: Error: Not found:

import 'package:animated_bottombar/animated_bottombar.dart';

Do I need change the dart file and it's import?

Issue if Fixed in commit 77ab26b