Admin Area Logging Out Issue
Opened this issue · 3 comments
I was in the admin area and switching between the Dashboard to the Users area then to the Services area then back to the Dashboard and as I'm clicking on those different areas the app seems to be logging me out.
I'm not sure if you can replicate the same problem on your end but that was something I just noticed right now.
Must have been some cookie weirdness though I'm not sure if it'll happen again on its own. Right now I cleared out my cookies for my localhost test and it went back to working ok again.
Did you do the logout action at the client site? If yes it will log you out at server side too.
I may have potentially in a separate tab but it was a bit more persistent than that (even after logging in again the issue was reoccurring until I cleared out those cookies). I'll have to do some more testing to see if I can figure out if I can replicate the issue again from a clean incognito window.